Monday, December 12, 2011

Intro To Yoga Class Series

w/ Shalan Hill

3 weeks

Sept. 10 - 24


The Basics of Yoga - For those New to Yoga and/or for Beginners that want a better grasp on their current yoga practice. 

  You'll learn proper body alignment, basic breath work, tools to focus & calm your mind, and how to stretch safely.  

Register now online!
(a credit card is required to register online, but will not be charged)

or call us @ 678-494-3450

Must register by Sept. 8.

(no drop-ins, no refunds, no make ups for missed classes, not part of the on-going classes)

Creating Your Life Class Series

A Life Changing Series
With Ann Pauley 
EIGHT WEEK SERIES                       
January 22 – March 11
Sundays 2 – 4 pm
COST:   $200 non-members or $175 members, $300 for pairs, $125 for repeaters (of "The Me I Want To Be")
Members must purchase via phone or in studio to get discount.
Call 678-494-3450 to register or email @
Want some changes in your life?  In this class, you will learn a formula to help you discover how you are creating your life by what your body is telling you about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.  Then, learn how to deliberately create the life you want by changing those thoughts, feelings, and beliefs..

This information will transform your understanding of yourself and others!

Holiday Gift Samplers are Ridiculously Awesome!

Holiday Gift Samplers from The Posture Project!

30 Min. Massage
30 Min. Sauna Session
5 Yoga Classes
for only $39! ~ (60 min. massage version is only $69)

Makes Great Stocking Stuffers!
(for new clients only, purchase in studio only)

Get 'em while they're hot!

Give Yourself a Break!

Even 5 minutes of stretching and breathing can make the world of difference to you (and the people around you). Give yourself a break! - Shalan

Freedom in Breathing!

There is such freedom in knowing that you can just "breathe through it!" Makes life so much easier! - Shalan

Your Body is Your Best Friend!

Your body is eager to serve you! It can be your best friend if you let it be! Any discomfort you're feeling is your body's way of communicating with you. It's not working against you! Listen to what it is saying and nurture your relationship with it just like you would a good friend. - Shalan