Our purpose is to remind people to give themselves permission to be joyful, to accept themselves in their current magnificence, to celebrate all that they can do right now and open to more in every moment of every day. We encourage them to listen to their hearts, the whispers of their spirits, the callings of their Being. We nudge them to hear what really jives them, what really inspires them, what really makes them smile from the inside out. We give them an opportunity to feel and understand the difference between feeling great and feeling anything other than great.
Being present with themselves and listening and understanding what their emotions are telling them. To be aware of when they are in struggle, to experience those moments of pure bliss and then to allow more of those moments to enter into their experience and make bliss the habit.
Our gifts and talents are to help people listen to their Selves through the practice of yoga and through the exchange of massage. These beautiful tools help us all to tap into that place in ourselves that restores, that nourishes, that creates, and rebuilds well-being.
Yoga teaches the mind, body, spirit connection. The breath leads us to stillness, to center. The movements help us feel connected to our body. The opening through stretching allows the energy of life to flow through us more freely. The strengthening allows us to tap into our inner power to stand strong in who we are. In our work, we are aware of the importance of strong, balanced posture and what that reflects in us. Yoga helps to lengthen what needs to be longer, to strengthen what needs to be stronger, to tap into our inner power and free our spirit through the breath. We then stand tall, balanced, centered, and strong.
The Massage we offer greatly assists people on their journey to well-being. Every session offers an opportunity to accept loving touch with no emotional attachment; a great gift of love to your Self. We understand that everything is energy. Our bodies are the manifestation of the energy we are emitting, a reflection of our feelings and beliefs. We understand the way energy moves in the body, that muscles can turn off where the energy is not flowing well through it and throws the rest of the body out of balance. When we follow the great balancing act in the body, we find places that may be sore to the touch that a person wasn't aware of. We may find muscles that weren't screaming as loud as the opposing muscles, but most likely is why the imbalance has occurred. We listen to what your body is saying and understand how to respond toward your highest good.
All this we have gathered and mastered to help you feel better. And as Abraham-Hicks says, "Nothing is more important than feeling better!" We look forward to opening to more!
Thanks for allowing us to share our gifts with you!
With Love -
Annie and Shalan
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