Sunday, December 19, 2010

Alignment is Everything

When I teach yoga, I am all about alignment! It is so important to me, because as I see a student out of alignment, I see struggle and discomfort. The minute they find their alignment, a smile comes over their face or a look of deeper focus that shows they’ve found a deeper sense of their personal power.

Finding your alignment makes a world of difference in all aspects of your life. Being in “alignment” allows the path of least resistance. Your alignment allows more freedom, more peace, more prosperity, more ease. Your alignment is all about syncing up with your Source, your true Self. This alignment with your Source is when everything starts “looking up”. Things just start flowing better.

Using good alignment in your yoga postures utilize the laws of physics to feel alignment in your physical body. You can’t affect one part of you that doesn’t affect all other parts of you. So your emotional, mental, and spiritual selves feel the alignment too.

In yoga when you feel the discomfort of misalignment in your body, you tweak your posture with small adjustments of movement and breath until you find it. A good instructor will help you find it that more comfortable place. If you’re finding yourself experiencing something in your life that is uncomfortable or unwanted, you keep tweaking it until it feels right, or you get the clarity to leave it out, leave it alone. It doesn’t matter.

This is all about the journey of finding what we want; what works for us, and what we don’t want; what doesn’t work for us. It’s a good choice to leave some things alone if they are not working for you. That frees you up to turn your focus to something is in your best interest. Same thing in yoga class, sometimes a pose may not be for you that day. It may be for later. It doesn’t matter. Just keep listening to your inner guidance to know when your path to alignment is about needing to let go or just tweak things a bit to find more comfort.

The practice of Yoga continues to be such an incredible tool to help us all on our life journey. Being out of alignment creates a stronger desire to be in alignment, so we keep moving toward that. Being in alignment creates the delicious sensation of how free we can be and keeps us eager for more of the same.

Our journey winds in and out of alignment. That’s a good thing, because it all leads to the expansion of our Being and of the Universe. It’s how we grow!

Shalan Hill

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