Saturday, June 5, 2010

Back Pain usually needs a Tummy Rub!

At The Posture Project, we are postural experts.  A person can come to us with pain in a certain area in their body and we can usually tell where the source of the pain is coming from just by looking at their posture and asking a few questions about what they do all day.

We've had several new clients that have gotten massage regularly come to us this week, all with low back pain.  Each one of them has been surprised when we share with them that we will most likely need to work in their abdomen to address their pain.  They all had their first abdominal massage this week! 

Our culture is a very sedentary culture with our love of computers and cars. When we sit all day, we form that way! Sitting all day, especially slouching will compress the abdomen, resulting in shallow breathing, poor digestion, poor circulation, and the abdominal muscles become short and weak. That is why when your "low back goes out" it is hard to stand upright.  Can you see how important it is to keep the abdomen open, flexible, well oxygenated, and energized?

We know that 80% of low back pain is coming from deep stomach muscles (usually psoas and iliacus) pulling the vertebrae out of alignment or creating imbalance in the pelvis.   A locked up diaphragm often results in mid-back pain and even neck pain, by creating imbalance in the rigcage and and a forward, collapsed posture.  The abdominal oblique muscles can also be involved in pelvic and ribcage imbalances.

Through massage, we reset the muscles in the abdomen so they can be at ease, be stronger, and be longer.  Then your body can be in balance and everything is working efficiently with the least amount of effort.  All this equals less pain or even no pain!

Stretching and breathing through yoga everyday helps to maintain longer, balanced, stronger muscles, and good energy flow in your body in between your massages.  We offer a variety of classes at our studio and also have online videos available all with the intent of creating calmer, stronger, balanced bodies @ So, we have very valuable tools available to keep your back pain free!

Sit up!  Stand Up!  Breathe Deep!  Stretch! and Come see us! 

Here's to better health!

Shalan Hill, co-owner

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