Friday, August 16, 2013

The Earth Beckons...

We wish for you days of peace & calm even amongst the storms of life or the winds of change.  If this feels like a dream far out of reach, I'm going to share yet another tool to help move toward that pretty picture of bliss.

I am always looking for great information to help myself and then to share with others who may need that one bit of wisdom. I found an article online where I gleaned a reminder of some ancient wisdom that I have read and heard many times throughout my seeking:

In order to maintain good health and well-being,

Well, do we really have a choice?  Well, this means literally!  To get your bare feet on the soil, or the grass, or the pine straw, or on the lakefloor, etc...  Wearing shoes all the time with rubber or plastic soles, as well as, asphalt & painted cement blocks our energetic/electric connection with the earth.  This can show up for you as feeling anxious, fearful, weak, flighty, confused, that then morph into physical & mental conditions & diseases.

This energetic/electric connection between us and the Earth are of primary importance!  We need to "plug in" our Root Chakra to that energy to enjoy a more balanced state of Being as nature does.  The electricity of the Earth actually stimulates nerve receptors and reflex points in our feet that effect our entire body, our bones, muscles, glands, organs, nervous system, & energetic system.  This energy gets things aligned and working properly.

Annie and I had recently been moving through some tough energy that had been stagnant in our Root Chakra (realizing how much fear was still running our life).  The information came at the most perfect time as it always does.  So we've started to stand on the  ground barefoot at least 5 minutes everyday and breathe conscious breaths.  I always get a little giddy/happy when I do this.  My legs feel more alive and I calm down even if I thought I was calm before.  Annie was feeling a little puny and uncomfortable in her digestion and she shifted into a giggling girl within 5 minutes of standing in the grass.

We love to go to the beach because it resets us in a profound way.  I know the ocean has its' immense power, but I realized the beach is the only place we really let ourselves walk barefoot and for miles.  That has to be a huge factor in our restoration, too.  All I know is, I want to get barefoot outside a bit more!

Little things make a difference for all of us!  I hope you enjoy your "grounding"!

Loving You Loving Life -

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